
Monday, May 21, 2012

Mario Crochet!

If there is one thing I have learnt, it is never to early to start party planning, or in this case, present planning!
Isaac has already decided he'd like a Super Mario Party for when he turns 6... in October!  And since I have been a neglectful parent in crocheting him a blanket as yet I am going to give this one a try....

It's actually quite straightforward since it is made up of a bunch of coloured squares joined together, a pixelated image if you will!

And how useful that someone has already created the pattern for me....

So, that's only 252 squares to crochet!

I wonder though whether I should make them all and then sew them together or go line by line and join them as I go?


  1. Oh how funny! I've started a pixelated Mario cushion for my daughter! I've made up my own pattern though. It really does lend itself to that style, doesn't it? This one looks great - have fun making :)
    Re construction: I would probably crochet together the image squares first so that it all lines up and works properly and then add the lines of blue around the outside afterwards.

  2. That is totally cool, you're an awesome Mama! And planning the party so many months out, that is just a big A for effort lady. Isaac is going to love it xo

  3. This is brilliant! I love the simple way someone was able to work it out (not one of my talents!). And I'd say go for it and join as you go - with such a clear pattern you can't go wrong!


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