
Saturday, October 29, 2011

This week I'm grateful for...the best party ever!

All my babies dressed in their lego party t-shirts before the event! Not great picture quality cause it's from the phone but I did take all the party pics on my normal camera so I should have some other better one's to share later!

I'm ducking in late this week to being grateful!  Just wanted to say what a fabulous Lego party we had today for Isaac.  Cannot believe how perfect everything was!

I'm super grateful that it rained all night and came out mild and sunny at party time!
I'm eternally grateful for Grandma's and Nanna's and good friends who scurried around in my kitchen so I could run the party games and such!
And I'm overwhelmingly grateful that Isaac has such gorgeous wee friends who behaved themselves beautifully!  Not one fight and no tears amongst 18 small people!

Will be back in a day or so with a comprehensive Lego Party Post!  In the meantime, head on over to Bron's and share some grateful love!


  1. Always good when the sun shines for an outdoors party and thank goodness for those helpers! No way I could ever have a party without my mum and mum in law. Excited about seeing the pics - such a fun theme!!

  2. Ooo can't wait for the comprehensive post. Sounds like it all went off beautifully, so happy for you and little Isaac. We attended a party today also and were crossing our fingers and toes for no rain... and it didn't! YAY, someone was looking out for us all I think :o)
    Love your little lady's skirt, I saw that the other day in MYER (I think) and thought "ohhh, to have a little girl to dress up" :o) xo

  3. YAY! I am so glad it all went wonderfully well. You have been putting in so much effort with your planning and preparations. Thank goodness for sunshine at the right time!

  4. That is wonderful that after your hard work that it all worked perfectly.

    Visiting Via Maxabella's Grateful Bloghop.

  5. I'm glad the sun smiled for you! I'll be over to see the party post. And I won't forget I O U a rainbow pack either!! x


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